What kind of water is the best to smack?

Spring water is what you should smack. Crystal Geyser is one private company that tests for good water and filters the water right at the source. They want to give their customer the best water possible. (only $1 per gallon) Distilled water or R.O. filtered water is another. DO NOT SMACK TAP WATER, it can make the water more toxic. We have noticed after a year's use the aluminum liner in the WS resonant chamber stays clean with Crystal Geyser water. Those who filter their own well water, calcium and other minerals coat the aluminum liner with calcium and other minerals onto the foil and discolors the liner. It will still work fine, but shows us what water is the best to smack. In CA, they sell Crystal Geyser Spring Water from a Mt. Whitney source, with more ORMUS (more healing) in this water, it comes form the granite rock from the Sierras, the tail end of the gold channels that came down CA many thousands of years ago. A Berky filter machine of Aquapur is another filter machine that works well for smacking. Try out your filtered well water or a bottle of Crystal Geyser and do a taste test, your body will tell you what is the better water to smack.

Watch the Water Smacker product VIDEO 4/4/17
FOR SALE NOW! $370.00 FREE SHIPPING in the USA! Two year warranty.

Smack your 32oz. drinking water bottle and raise the pH and lower the ORP!!

Guaranteed to satisfy you or your money back ( minus shipping costs)

Micro clustered water when frozen makes perfect snowflakes due to the lining up of the water molecules. Work of Dr. Emoto
Normal macro clustered water looks like welding slag when frozen and no line up of the molecules. The water smacker
magnetically line up the water molecules that will also help line up your cell molecules in your body and blood.
The hydrogen ionized water absorbs into your body better and quenches your thirst better. Ionized water is similar
to water at the bottom of the waterfall. Water that feels silky to your touch. What does bad water look like when frozen?
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Takes only 1 watt of energy to run it. The longitudinal toroid circuit INSIDE,
pulses and resonates water back to it's original frequency of th earth at 7.5hz.

It draws only 2 watts of energy from the wall art transformer.

Turn your drinking water into micro clustered spring water! Makes water taste like mountain glacier water. You can taste the quality of the water. Smack your bottle of water to raise your body pH, and lower the waters measured ORP to a more negative value.( ORP = Oxidation Reduction Potential or REDOX) ORP, or Redox Potential, is a measurement of waters ability to oxidize contaminants.

Use only store bought drinking water or distilled or R.O. filtered water or tested spring/well water. The pH of the charged water goes up according to the starting pH level of your water. If you would like a higher pH of water let it run for a few more hours.

Do not use tap water! Never charge tap water or municipal water if it contains fluoride, chlorine or other harmful chemicals. Charging water magnifies the effects of any elements or chemicals in that water. You must choose a good quality source, or use a reverse osmosis water filter under the sink system. A Solar distiller would be another way to make distilled water to be charged.

Charged micro clustered water cleans your blood, takes out cholesterol, rejuvenates your body, is antioxidant. Ditch the soda acid bath and live longer, more energy, all your cells and body water goes alkaline, don't worry you will get plenty of acid from coffee, tea, beer, wine. Just ditch soda, the worst sugar acid bomb you can intake. It is like drenching your body with acid, that does not dilute 99% of all victims with cancer have an acidic system. Most store bought bottled water is acidic! and needs a pH boost!

One way to use the Water Smacker. Leave the Water Smacker on all the time, since you can not overcharge the water and since it only runs at about 1 watt of energy. Leave it filled to the top of the bottle. Pour your self a glass of water and then refill it back up with your preferred drinking water, or well water, and leave it turned on. The refill water added charges up faster that way. Water cannot overcharge.

It makes no noise, so you wonder if it is on? If you place a long screwdriver with isolated handle, in the resonance area. Touch the long screwdriver to the alum lining, near the top of the inside of the 4"tube. Lift the screw driver end close to the handle close to the SS rod cathode. When you get about 1/2" to 1/4" away , you will see blue sparks jumping from the screw driver to the center SS rod. This is the way to test if it is working or not. It can NOT short. Learn more about micro clustered water on this site. 1/5 the price of other Ionic Water machines. You will rarely get sick after drinking this water daily. I testify to this, for I drink Kangen water every day for about 5 years. ( says Andrew Batty, owner of Hydrogen Garage)

The WATER SMACKER is a cheaper alternative to a Ionic Water Machine. ( $370 vs. $1480 to $2500) We have an Affiliate Marketing Program, sell the Water Smacker and earn a sales commission, just by adding the WATER SMACKER info to you website. We ship them out for you. CONTACT US

CALL US TODAY - 805.995.4809

Do NOT do this to your Water Smacker



Watch this video of a Blood Doctor doing blood tests after drinking micro-clustered water.
This water will replace the acid water in your body and help your cells and blood all to line up naturally.
Every body needs it. Super charge the water you drink! Boost your immune system!

One customer asked : "Will the water smacker kill microbes in the water?"
Answer : "No, the process is pro-life. It adds energy to the water that is beneficial to living cells. It is not a
water filter or purifier, that must be done to the water prior to charging it. However, it can kill any
organism that cannot withstand an alkaline ph, such as cancer. This is a good thing." 6/10

Sponsors : Hydrogen H20 Water Cells to SAVE on FUEL!

Come visit the Tesla Tech Conference in New Mexico, the end of July 2016 and listen to Bob talk
about the Water Smacker and Battery Smacker and other Tesla subjects. Become a Water Smacker dealer.


Do NOT do this to your Water Smacker

1/8/19 The Water Smacker's Patent was granted!

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